Apologies for lengthy silence- my trip home and all its excitements switched up my schedule a little! I had a fantastic time though- there’s no place like home…
- Friends, family and a few too many beverages – check.
- Glorious scenery, open hills and “The month of Augusts’ entire predicted rainfall in 2 days”- check.
Bless you Scotland.
So I became inspired whilst home to get creative…I found a little book on hand-printing techniques and seeing as I’m working on textiles at the moment I felt like trying out some patterns/prints. As I didn’t have the time to rush out and buy all the necessary inks and sponges I reached for the old faithful- Mr Potato. How very Primary 5…
I had a few blank canvases and decided to print a child like image that toyed with the theme of ‘Migration’ – I guess I was thinking about my own situation living so far from home in Aus!
I cut a few potatoes in half and etched out some simple patterns- obviously can’t get to intricate on these tats.
Then it got messy...
My clouds had string added in a criss-cross pattern to add texture:
Et voila, "Migration":
And i was having fun so i kept going a little!
Love it or hate it – it’s a lot of fun and you should try it yourself!
I’m looking to go on a proper printing course soon, more to do with fabrics, upholstery etc but this is a start!
I was also motivated into project-mode whilst I was back home by the very tartan fabric I spoke of in my last blog! Some left over material that had been used to upholster a chair in the in-laws renovation of ‘Denmuir Arches’ (a gorgeous natural green) was crying out to be used. As the renovation is primarily for a luxury holiday let I felt it needed some leaflets/maps/info on the gorgeous surrounding areas and, of course, a stylish book/folder to present them! I knew I’d use that material somehow:
Anyway I best be off, I’m supposed to be writing essays for my latest assignment on curtain weight fabric…a little hard to get started sometimes!
Love Alice xx
PS Has anyone else done any printing classes?